I know… I know. It’s the 8th of April and I am still playing catch up in the Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #5. If I was to tell you the truth it doesn’t feel like I will ever catch up on the challenge because today is April 8th.

I know I can and I will and I’m not giving up until I do. Hold on tight because it might become a rocky road but together through the Lords help we can do anything.
This morning I would like to ask if you would take the time to Pray for Charlie this week. It’s STARR Test this week and we all know Charlie struggles with math.
His math teacher Mrs. Powers Doesn’t think Charlie will pass and has told Charlie he will either be retained or have to attend Summer School. Although she says retaining Charlie would be best.
Now, I know Charlie struggles but if they would have tested Charlie when I first asked and got him the help Charlie needed we wouldn’t be facing these problems.
As I sit her this morning all I can do is hand it over to God because he knows our needs and I know he knows what is best for Charlie. So if I seem off or distracted this week you know why.
I’m worried and scared and don’t know how to help my son other than Praying and believing and sitting and holding Charlie as he worries and wonders if he will pass.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates