Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 4 July 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I had plans to be caught up with everyone this morning in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. As you can see I’m still behind as I’m on Day 4 and its actually July 7th but the LORD had different plans for us. I woke up with a headache and tired. Instead of working I tool the morning off and watched a movie. Everyone needs me time once in a while and today was me time for me.

I wish you a fun filled Sunday and if you did something fun leave me a comment and let me know what you did. My family is still stuck in the house without a car. I’m beginning to go STIR-CRAZY and so is Charlie. I was thinking we might call my sister tomorrow and see if she wants to go walking after Charlie and I go to his bank. At least that way we would get out of the house for a little bit. Would you like to come with us?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 4 July 2024

  1. Talk about being behind! Today is July 20, and this challenge is new to me. I feel like an idiot because I did not realize I was supposed to comment on every post. So here I am, going back to every day of the challenge and posting like I should have then.
    I look forward to your next post!

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