Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 3 June 3rd, 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 3 June 3rd, 2024. Yes, I know I am still behind but I am trying and that is what matter’s isn’t it/ Yesterday we were supposed to share about ourselves. Before you ask me if I did that. No, I didn’t share about myself or my family because I didn’t know what I wanted to share or what you would want to know.

Fastforward and I’m back and for Day 3 we was asked to share what we plan on in our business and let me tell you I don’t know what I want to do. Charlie has graduated and he was the main reason for my blog. Now, as Charlie gets older and begins to look for a job of his own he doesn’t want to do much with the blog.

This leaves me with the choice to continue on or to quit. Most days my heart isn’t in the blog but other days I still love it as much as I did the day I started. My goal is to finish out the year and to work really hard to get the blog seen through reviews and places I visit. As well as restaurants we go to.

I am going to grow my followers and build a blog people come to for advice and as a place to relax. I know I may struggle and fail at times but I’m not going to give up. I can and will build a successful businesses then if I decide to quit I will have a lucrative business to sell to someone who will love it as much as I do.

As my family movies on and makes changes in our lives and our business as we’ve been talking about moving to Oklahoma. Keep us in your PRAYERS and if you hear of things I can do online to supplement my income please leave me a comment so I can hire a VA to help me get to the place I need to be and also so I can re-do my blog since it still will not accept pictures which is CRAZY.. Pray Elle Emme is able to fix this problem for me.

Have a blessed day and thank you for stopping by and visiting me. If you have a website and your in the Ultimate Blog Challenge leave me a comment so I can visit your website. Re-share for me using #UBC and #UltimateBlogChallenge

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates