Good morning, welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 10. Can you believe it is the 10th of October already? So this mornings prompt for the challenge is to host a “Town Hall Meeting”. Which means you can come and ask questions or suggest topics for me to write about. Any subject is welcome as long as it is “Family Friendly”.
Also I have a question for you what are your plans for the last three months of the year? Have you started planning for next year? If so what are your plans for both your personal and also in your business? Is there something you wasn’t able to do this year which you want to make sure and do next year?
As for me I just want to learn how to schedule my Social Media shares using a site like Hootsuite and to build relationships with local business and to gather more local events for my family to attend. If I could I would like to secure at least one Hotel Stay this year either in my Town or in a local town as to me being able to stay in a hotel would mean I have arrived as a blogger.
Also will this be the year I secure that elusive Keuring Coffee Pot? Keep watching to see if it happens as I still dream about it.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
In answer to some of your questions:
Next 3 months: plan to finish an online course I am working on: “Live a Healthy-Heart Life” based on live workshops and presentations I have given in the community. It all stems from my book: The Smart Woman’s Guide to heart Health – Skillfully Manage Three Major Heart-Health Risks!
Also, strengthen my engagement in Soc. Media.
Next Year: publish my next book: Spiritual Aging.
Best wishes to you!
I am really big in goal setting so I haven’t forgotten about my 2017 goals. I won’t make them all but I’ve done really well. I’m looking forward to the excitement of new goal setting in December! I’ve been thinking alot about where I want to be a year from now.
I always write my post before the day’s suggestion is posted, so I’m just finding out why there are so many town hall posts today. Maybe I’ll do one tomorrow. All my plans for the end of the year are in flux. I have five blogs, most of which I’m behind on. I have five more on BlogJob which I will close and move.
I’m trying to decide whether I should join several blogging friends at Virily, a new site that I don’t expect to last very long and don’t relish wasting time on, but I may move some of my Niume posts over there just to be able to comment and help my friends. My husband thinks I should start selling books again instead of just disposing of them. I’m just tired thinking about all this.
We have to keep working on our goals, you’ll make it to your hotel stay! I want to secure a Kitchenaid Artisian mixer!