Good afternoon, and yes, its still catch up time for me but you know what I’m not going to stress because the LORD knows our needs and if its his will I will catch up.

If not then I am fine with that because I am HUMAN and I can only do so much. Especially when running a business, keeping a house clean, working on remodeling projects and HOMESCHOOLING full time.
All the while watching Covid numbers Skyrocket and worry about what is going to happen with David’s job. Which is causing me to STRESS and my blood pressure to rise.
It’s time to take a step back and to teach everyone things happen for a reason and we shouldn’t stress. Because the LORD knows our needs before we do.
We just have to believe in him which I’m learning to do more of as my site grows and more companies are finding me and wanting to work with my family.
Have a Blessed day and if you have something you want to teach me please do because even though the prompt in this mornings Ultimate Blog Challenge asked us to share a lesson we’ve learned.
I wanted to remind you its to keep believing in yourself because you can do anything you put your mind to just like I can and will Through the LORD. Not giving up and letting him lead me to were he wants not only me but my family.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates