Ultimate Blog Challenge: August 26th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening welcome to our Ultimate Blog Challenge: August 26th, 2021. Can you believe its actually the 30th of the month. September is creeping right on in.

Where did this month go to? Heck were did the year go to? Did you set Goals at the beginning of they year? Have you been able to stay on track and fulfill your goals?

Because this year I actually didn’t set Goals or pick a word of the year but if I had I think I would have failed in so many ways. Which isn’t something I like to admit but its better to be truthful. Isn’t it?

In this mornings post we were to head over to YouTube.com or EZineArticles.com (yup! It still exists!) and find either a video or an article that you think your visitors will like. Put the video or a few lines of the article on your your new blog post. and then write a few lines above it and below it and your post is ready to go.

Which I have used these websites in the past but now I fall back on PLR or I hire someone to write articles for me because there original to my site and what my readers would like.

Have you ever used any of these resources? If so which ones and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates