Ultimate Blog Challenge April 7th Day #7

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge April 7th Day #7 and yes, before you say isn’t it the 20th of April and yes, it is. But that is nice part about this challenge I can post one post a day.

Image result for picture for the Ultimate Blog Challenge

Or I can end up behind and still be able to catch up or I could post ahead as long as I get 30 post done in the month of April. I didn’t have anything special I wanted to share this morning.

I just wanted to get the post done so I could finish the things I began because as a parent I am always telling Charlie we shouldn’t quit because something gets hard or doesn’t work out the way it should.

Here I am this morning and if your a part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and you have your post up for this morning leave me a link so I can stop by and check your post out.

Don’t forget to share your Day 7 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group and share the URL of your post with the group.

If you r tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates