OMG… Its officially Summer school let out today. LORD, help me. As I work to get up the Ultimate Blog Challenge: April 28th, 2021 my mind is racing. How in the world am I supposed to work wen the kids will be in and out of my house all day. Every day….

Were is there parents. Can’t they take care of the kids for a while. I shouldn’t have to raise your children. Yes, you might work from home but so do I and my job is just as important as yours.
If you didn’t want to take care of your children then you shouldn’t have had them. If you want me to babysit them and feed them then you need to pay me.
I’m sorry if I sound like a #BITCH but I am tired we just bought groceries and the food that was supposed to have lasted Charlie two weeks is almost gone because Charlie isn’t supposed to eat in front of others.
He was hungry and knew your children were as well so he feed them. Now what is my son supposed to do for food? Drinks? Why can’t your kids help Charlie clean up they eat here.
Then there is the Bikes and Scooters and yes, Charlie has more than one but he shouldn’t have to always make sure your children have one of his to ride. It’s Summer you need to make sure your children have the toys they need not to depend on there friends to supply them for them.
Now, I will get off my Soap Box and try to work while there at the PARK because LORD knows in about 5 minutes they will be back asking for food or drinks or to get on the Game System.
Thank the LORD I work from home but I can’t even shut my office door because I hear the kids rummaging around my home and things come up missing.
Don’t get me wrong I’m BLESSED and THANKFUL the Lord provides a way for me to work from home. Allowing me to be here for Charlie and his friends but I want other parents to step up.. Its not all mine and David’s job.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates