Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 23

The Mommies Reviews

This morning in the Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 23 we was asked to share a post about a Season. I thought I would share Summer because I am terrified we are all going to be on a Lock Down and not be allowed outside.

To prepare for that I have been purchasing items Charlie can play with at home. This week I am going to get Charlie a Slip and Slide because I can play with Charlie on this.

Along with a Sprinkler when we are watering the lawn we can play in the water. I also picked up Balloons and now we can fill them with water and have a water balloon fight.

I also need to pick up Water Guns for water fights with Charlie. If God provides the way we are thinking and were able to put a down payment on our trailer David said we can even purchase a Swimming Pool.

I would love having a Pool but knowing we can’t use it all year around I am thinking we should get Charlie a Trampoline instead.But I haven’t talked to David about getting one yet because this week were getting Charlie a bike and getting mine fixed.

What are your plans for the Summer and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates