Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 18

The Mommies Reviews

I know I know I know. I am behind again. What can I say other than I am late. I might as well join the Mad Hatter in Alice and the Wonderland but I am not giving up. I will catch up.


This morning we were asked what goes great with our business or if we have a Theme song and to share it with you. For my business I would say Businesses that are interested in having products reviewed.

Or local businesses that have events they would like shared. As well as other bloggers to work with and a VA like Sara Lehman who keeps me on track.

For a song I would say is my Theme song was Rachel Platten’s This Is My Fight Song and now I have added David Lee Murphy Everything’s Going To Be All Right to the songs I listen to daily.


I like having local Bloggers to pitch ideas off of and to work with like Deborah Kaye Ice from Deborah & Munchkins Adventures or Nancy Smith with h2hsc2020

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates