Ultimate Blog Challenge April, 2019 Day #2

The Mommies Reviews

I was looking through the post this morning for the Ultimate Blog Challenge April, 2019 Day #2 and somehow I missed posting for day 2 or if I did I couldn’t find the post.

Since I wanted to accomplish the goal Paul set out for us with the Ultimate Blog Challenge I knew I wanted to make sure I posted a post for Day 2 so here I am this morning.

It’s Easter weekend and it’s actually April 19th and we are over half way through April and yes, I am still playing catch up but it’s okay as long as you join the challenge you can always catch up.

So even though it’s been a Rocky Month for me Charlie is out of school until Monday and David will be home all weekend some how someway God willing I will be caught up on Tuesday morning.

Image result for Happy Easter sign

If I don’t make it though then it means it wasn’t God’s will and I will just work harder in October to complete the Ultimate Blog Challenge in a timely manner because I can not grow if I don’t push myself.

I hope you enjoy Good Friday and I would like to wish you a Happy Easter and a Blessed weekend. I would like to thank you for supporting me by stopping by my blog.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates