Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2019 Day 19. Yes, it’s time to post Day 19 post.
How are you? If I was posting on the correct day it would have been a Friday, so make today’s post something special for your readers!

Need an idea of what to post about? Here are some ideas that might work for you:
Day 19: One Piece of Advice
What’s a subject or activity you’ve got a lot of knowledge around? If you were giving your 1 best tip to someone brand new to that subject or activity, what would you tell them? And Why is it important to know?
These are just some ideas you can use – like them, great! If not, come up with your own.
Don’t forget to share your Day 19 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at: and share the URL of your post with the group.
If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!
When you start something never give up no, matter how hard it gets because your teaching your children that can quit anything that is hard. Which could be Sports or even School.
Which is why I am working so hard to make sure I finish the Ultimate Blog Challenge because I want to show Charlie that the things I start I complete. No, matter how hard it gets or how far behind I get.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates