Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2019 Day 17

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2019 Day 17. It’s another fine day to be in the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

No, I haven’t caught up yet but I am telling you I am not giving up and with each post I am getting closer one post at a time and I may actually be caught up on Tuesday if its Gods plans for me.

If not that is okay it just means I need to work harder and spend more time working on the blog and less time staring at the wall wondering why I do what I do.

Because if that is the case it’s time to either step up and get out of this funk and build a blog people would be proud to visit. Or it’s time to close the doors and find a job.

It is WHAT?!

Today is Bat Appreciation Day! Who knew!

You can write about your favorite species of bat! Why do you like it? What makes it your favorite? For me I don’t have a favorite Bat and I didn’t even know there was different Bats.

Which will give Charlie and I something to research this weekend and he can read to me. Allowing Charlie to get his reading in. Then Charlie can practice his Art and draw Bats he reads about.

OK – Were just kidding about that (unless you really DO have a favorite species of bat!)

Instead, you can mention today’s special day and relate it to something that you might not like to do. Perhaps your not enjoying one aspect of your business, but you push through that because you know its good for you.

Let us reiterate one more time… You do not have to blog 100% of the time soley about your niche. Your readers like to connect with you on a personal level.

When you share these sort of personal insider stories about yourself, you are deepening the relationship you have with your readers!

These are just some ideas you can use – like them, great! If not, come up with your own.

Don’t forget to share your Day 17 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group  and share the URL of your post with the group.

If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates