It’s Saturday and I had wanted to go to Trader’s Village but they needed David to work a double this morning Which is the Lords will to tell me I needed to be at home so I could catch up on the Ultimate Blog Challenge: April 15th, 2021.

I am going to have to put blinders on so nothing disturbs and I stay focused. Otherwise the TV will call me and I will end up binge watching Hallmark Movies all day.
Today isn’t the day for that if I am not going to work then I need to spend the time with Charlie. Even if its sitting in his room with him while he plays his game.

Because he told me yesterday he was missing spending time with me and I miss him as well. Children will grow up and move away before we know it so I need to spend all the time I can with Charlie. Don’t you agree?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates