Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge. In the Ultimate Blog Challenge we are on Day #13. Yes, you heard me right Day #13 can you believe we are half way through the challenge. I am going to succeed this time and finish the challenge on time. I am so PROUD of myself.

Today I just thought I would share somethings I am involved in and my new logo for the blog. What do you think about it? Elle Emme from LM Solutions designed it for Charlie, David and I.
The Mommies Reviews
Now I would like to ask you what you think of the application and if you have one for your blog. Or if would like to have one. And if you would like one why? And how would you get people to sign up for it? And what all would you have on the application? And how would it help with your Niche and growing your blog?
Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #13
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates