[UBC] Day: April 6th, 2022 Ultimate Blog Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

I don’t know about you or your week but let me tell you I am about to scream. What happened to customer service? If I was on the right day today would be Wednesday and I would be sharing a #WordlessWednesday post. But here I am behind and it’s actually Saturday the 9th.


Oh well life goes on and I will just keep on trucken and someday I might catch up and if not, I guess that is going to be okay as well. Because I did the best, I could do with everything going on in my home at the moment. Although, I can tell you soon I am going to need not only a drink but a vacation.

The need for speed! Most people are flying ahead here! Not me….

If you need an idea of what to post your site today?

Here are some ideas that might work for you:

Day 6: Spotlight

We all have people in our life that we admire or that have helped us in our life. Today pick one of those people and spotlight them in your blog post. Who knows, they may be able to help someone else just by reading your story.

It is ok if the person you write about is living or no longer with us. How did they influence you? What was the impact on your life or business that changed you forever?

These are just some ideas you can use – like them, great! If not, come up with your own.

I would like to ask you to share someone that has helped you because there is so many people, I would like to highlight. I just don’t have time this morning. David wants the Living Room and kitchen packed like yesterday. If truth was told to, do.

Aalthough I wish I knew where I was going before I pack everything then I would know what would fit into the house and what should go into storage. Which I hate to admit it full, and I don’t think we’re going to get everything in their David thought would fit. Before you ask me no, I don’t know what we are going to do.

Pray please I need a home I know we have this home till the end of the month then we will be homeless, and I do not like that feeling. I need a home not only for me but for Charlie and the dogs.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates