[UBC] Day 19 April 19th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Here I am again fighting to catch up and I am sharing [UBC] Day 19 April 19th, 2022, while everyone else should be on Day 26. But you know what that is life and no, one is perfect. At least I am trying, and I am not going to give up until I finish the challenge. That counts for something doesn’t it?

Day 19: One Piece of Advice

What’s a subject or activity you’ve got a lot of knowledge around? If you were giving your 1 best tip to someone brand new to that subject or activity, what would you tell them? Why is it important to know?


These are just some ideas you can use – like them, great! If not, come up with your own.

With us moving I’m having trouble staying on track with anything including life. Instead of sharing a tip with you I would like to ask you to share your favorite tip with me. Because at this moment I don’t even know my name. The couch has become my best friend and I can feel myself sinking into depression which I fight but this time it isn’t working.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates