[UBC] Day 17: April 17th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to our series sharing [UBC] Day 17: April 17th, 2022. Man, oh man here I am still 7 days behind. Man, oh man the month is going to be over, and I am still going to be struggling trying to catch up. But its okay I am not going to give up I can and I will catch up.

Today is Bat Appreciation Day! Who knew!


On your blog, you can write about your favorite species of bat! Why do you like it? What makes it your favorite?

OK – We are just kidding about that (unless you really DO have a favorite species of bat!)

Instead, you can mention today’s special day and relate it to something that you might not like to do. Perhaps you are not enjoying one aspect of your business, but you push through that because you know it is good for you (just like having bats around are good to keep down the mosquito population).

Maybe you want to relate how bats make a migration each year and talk about your annual trip to visit your parents, or your grandchildren, or how you celebrate a holiday each year.

Remind me one day to share my trip to Carlsbad Caverns in Mexico when we saw the Bats being released. In the meantime, Charlie is calling me and he isn’t feeling well so its time to be a mom. In the meantime share your thoughts with me about Bats.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates