Good morning, I would like to welcome you back to the [UBC] Day 11 April 11th, 2022, No, I haven’t caught up. Infact I am 9 days behind, and I hate to say it, but I just don’t care. Not being able to find a home and more like we need to is affecting me more than I would like to say.
This morning all I did was lay on the couch cat nap and flip the tv channel. A sign of depression I am sure, but I just couldn’t make myself do anything. Although Charlie did get outside and was able to find friends to play with. David went to work.
I have all the opportunities in the world to work and most likely could have caught up. But I couldn’t focus and just didn’t have the energy to do anything. Finally, I did crawl off the couch and here I am just in time to share a post of two with you.
This morning’s prompt asked us: What’s the best dessert you’ve ever eaten?

If you’re a cook, share a photo of it on your blog! And share the recipe, too.
You could take this idea and talk about your favorite restaurant, cooking show, or something food related.
Or you could go for allegory (a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one) and talk about what the “icing on the cake” is for you in a particular experience, like the best customer service you’ve received, best gift you’ve purchased or received, etc.
At one time I might have said my Grandmother’s Germain Chocolate Cake. Or Cheddars
CHEDDAR’S LEGENDARY MONSTER COOKIE which was Suzzie and Charlie’s favorite dessert. Until my friend Debbie introduced me to The Cheesecake Factory Pineapple Upside- Cheesecake.
Now that has changed as well because David and I are hooked on Cotton Patch Texas Hummingbird Cake. Which is a Spice Cake baked with Pineapple, Banana, topped with delectable Cream Cheese Icing, lightly toasted Coconut and chopped Pecan
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates