[UBC] Day 10 Blogging: April 10th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Slowly step by step I’m trying to catch up. As you can see here, I am for [UBC] Day 10 Blogging: April 10th, 2022, and its actually the 16th of April. But it’s okay through hard work and not giving up I am and I will catch up. Just hide and watch.


People love Top 10 or Top 5 lists (or any other number!). Share a list of Top somethings that relate to your business. Maybe it is:

I wish I had time to make a list to share with you. But trying to move and fill out applications. Run a business and Homeschool I don’t even know my name. Instead, I would like to ask you to share your Top 5 tips to keep me from becoming overwhelmed and losing my mind.

Or share your top three tips on how to motivate a child to pack his room. Because at this point, I am ready to just walk off and leave everything in his room. Then when we move, he can get a job and purchase what he lost when he wouldn’t pack like he was asked.

Image result for moving sucks images

Or how to get a husband who is tired and overwhelmed to help me finish packing and going to get the storage room and moving everything inside. If and when we find a place, we can just move from the storage room. Because if we wait much longer it’s going to be the first of May and we may not be able to get back inside and I really don’t want to lose my stuff. Can you help me?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates