Charlie and I have been getting ANTSY being inside. But being sick its been the best place for us. Now, that we are on the mend I wanted to find different PE Classes for Charlie to take.
The LORD was listening when Tara Todd sent me the information that TX Black Belt Academy was hosting online classes our children can sign up for. With me wanting to lose weight I plan on taking the class with Charlie and I am PRAYING David will do this class with us.
Bored at home? TX Black Belt Academy is here for you!
Help us keep kids focused, self disciplined and fit while at home! We have developed the at Home Training Program. Here is the cool thing… it’s FREE!

We want all kids to remember this as the time they get to learn some practical self defense and cool moves at home.
All you need to do is click this link and choose the closest TXBBA near you! We will do the rest!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates