I am so proud of Charlie and how kind he has been to the younger children in our family. Including our next door neighbor Troy. It’s nice when Charlie goes done to his grandmothers and his sister Leslie is there. Because Elijah and Charlie are two peas in a pod in the things they like to do.

We have been blessed as she has been helping Charlie with his math. While Charlie is there he has had the opportunity to play with his nephew Elijah. To see how close they are becoming just makes my heart melt.
I know Charlie is going to be a excellent dad if he chooses to have kids one day. If not I know he will be the best Uncle ever if he is allowed to spend time with his nephews.

Or his cousins Lily and Jason who love Charlie so much. I can’t wait to see where this Summer brings Charlie and all the babies as I’m hopping he is able to spend at least one day a week with them so they can become better friends.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates