Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new pillow I received from Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper in exchange for this review.

Life is funny the other day Charlie asked me to help him clean his room and I had forgotten the pillow from Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper had been put in David’s room during Christmas because I wanted to give it to my stepdaughter for my grandson Elija but I hadn’t seen her and had forgot to take the pillow to David’s mom to give Leslie.

Charlie ended up sick the other day and no, matter what he did he couldn’t get comfortable so he could sleep. Charlie moved from his bed which is on the floor because that is what he wants into his dads room and in his bed or so I thought. I went to check on Charlie and he had set up Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper is for children and was laying on it and Charlie said he could breath much better.

After Charlie got better I was packing the pillow up to take to Leslie after spaying it with Lysol and wiping the cloth down which dries quickly when David let me know he uses the pillow when watching tv which I didn’t know. But after hearing that I knew I couldn’t take the pillow to Leslie because there is so many reasons we need it even though I don’t have a infant.

In the future I plan on purchase Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper not only for Leslie to use with Elijah but also my niece Alyssa for her children Lily and Jason and my niece Alex and her husband Jo who have 4 children Alexandria and Joe who are 2 going on 3. Daisy who is 4 and Payton who is 8 almost 9. As you can see TUm&Bum is the perfect pillow not only for children of all ages but adults as well.

Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper comes without padding or coverings so you can utilize your child’s own blankets and pillows for additional security and comfort. This also ensures that cleaning and sanitation are easy; simply throw any coverings in the wash and wipe down the sleeper with your favorite antibacterial spray or wipe, and you’re good to go!

Not only that my dog loves sleeping on the pillow if Charlie doesn’t pick it up and at times even Charlie’s friends who are 16, 17 and 18 have used the pillow when they haven’t felt good or watching movies and playing games. Again this may not be what Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper was created for but as a mom we should pick out battles and when our children or husband are sick anything we can find to make them feel better is a Godsend.

Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper comes in different sizes from infants up to children from 7 years old. Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper comes in different colors making this perfect for boys and girls. Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper comes without padding or coverings so you can utilize your child’s own blankets and pillows for additional security and comfort. This also ensures that cleaning and sanitation are easy; simply throw any coverings in the wash and wipe down the sleeper with your favorite antibacterial spray or wipe, and you’re good to go!

About: Tum&Bum

Tum&Bum is the only original forward facing Incline Sleeper for Toddlers that positions their little bodies in the perfect alignment to help deal with their upper respiratory infections.

Give your toddler nighttime relief from:

  • head colds
  • acid reflux
  • congestion
  • strep throat
  • seasonal allergies
  • respiratory infections

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates