Top 5 Home Staging Tips you Should Know

The Mommies Reviews

Top 5 Home Staging Tips you Should Know

It may not seem important, but home staging is vital in the current properties market because the smallest details can change the status of your property listing from ‘For Sale’ to ‘Sold.’ To get out of the market fast, you cannot exclude home staging, a decoration technique meant to display the house’s most amazing assets to attract the attention of buyers. If you do this correctly, your house will sell fast.

A 2017 staging report compiled by the National Association of Realtors indicates that 49 percent of real estate agents believe decorating a home before for display to potential buyers affects the buyer’s image about the property. Seventy-seven percent of these agents believe staging allows the buyers to imagine the house as theirs. On the seller’s side, 21 percent of the agents believe stage increases a home’s value between 6 % to 10%, and 39% of these agents state that it makes a home sell fast.

That said, it is clear that sellers gain much from staging, and therefore they would be willing to put the effort and time to do it as it is also not costly, which may be the reason you are here. These are the top home staging tips you should be aware of, and once you do that, you can list your house with

1. Do a Thorough Cleaning

You should scrub the house like never before listing it for sale. Every corner of the house should be shining, including ceiling corners and baseboards. A perfectly clean house tells the buyer that the owner cared for the property from the bathroom floors to the kitchen countertops. Tasks you may have neglected like dusting the window blinds it’s time to do them.

2. Remove Clutters

People buy space, and so you need to ensure the house looks spacious. Edit the house to display only the basics. This, however, doesn’t imply you should burn stuff to eliminate them forever, you can pack them up and take them elsewhere. Examples of these are games, papers, and decor (remember what you love is not necessarily what the buyers love, so remove your decor), seasonally worn clothes like winter jackets. In short, take away everything you don’t use daily. Potential buyers will want to know the storage potential of your closets so they will open them. Therefore ensure you get rid of all non-crucial and miscellaneous items as possible. The more a house looks spacious, the faster it will sell.

3. De-personalize the House

It is still your home, no doubt about that because you have not yet sold it. However, remember you are looking forward to changing the ownership of the home. Make sure the buyer can assume ownership of the house when viewing it; the most straightforward technique of achieving this is to make sure the house looks as blank as possible. As charming and stylist you would want the house to appear, it shouldn’t have any personal touches that tell the buyer the house still belongs to you and not to them.

Take away all personal photos from the surface and walls and stickers you have on your fridge. Keep your clothes in a place potential buyers won’t see them. Take away tubes of toothpaste and toothbrushes from the bathrooms. Even personal bathing products, remove them from the bathrooms. Religious items should be kept away. Doing this will make buyers better connect with the house, although living in such an environment will be somewhat weird to you.

4. Stage Where Necessary

All rooms are not equal in the sight of buyers, which means you shouldn’t stage all of them the same way. Put your effort and time on places that can change the buyer’s decision and less on sections that may go unnoticed. Your kitchen, master bedroom, and the living room are the most significant sections to the buyer. Therefore, put all your effort there. Bathrooms, children’s bedrooms, and guest rooms may not influence the buyer’s decision so much.

5. Do Minor Repairs

Those holes, scratches, and tiny nicks you have been ignoring need to be fixed as they can tell the buyer you have neglected the property; that is why you didn’t care how it looks. Move from one room to another, clearing scuffs from the walls using an eraser pad. Find out if any sections would use some TLC. Spackle and caulk where need be. Some walls may require re-painting, and it’s important not to leave them like that. The point is to make sure buyers know you maintained the house.

Final Words

Every property seller wants to spend the shortest time possible selling their product. To ensure that is done, staging is important, and with the tips shown in this article, you know what is required of you. You can as well search further for more tips.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates