This Isolation we are doing thanks to Cornovirus is driving me up a wall. I miss being able to go out and shop. Even if I am not purchasing anything just getting out is fun when your stuck at home all day with a child.

We can’t go out to eat all we can do is pick up food and come home and cook. In our home it gets so hot because we don’t have Air Conditioners which when this is over I plan on purchsing.
You would think being stuck at home all the time we would be able to save money and catch up on the bills but this isn’t happening. David’s OT was cut out and his regular salary isn’t enough to pay all the bills.
Thank the Lord for David’s mom who is helping us out this month. But I have no, clue what we will do next month. I am telling you this is when I miss my dad more than ever.
Yesterday we did Frozen Pizza because Bradley spent the night again. Tonight David, Charlie and I will be cleaning the house together and getting the kitchen done for next week.
For dinner I told David to use the Left Over Hamburger Meat for SOS and if Charlie doesn’t want to eat it then he can make a bowl of Soup. I’m telling you Charliei s eating me out of house and home.
Not knowing if we can find groceries or if we will have money to purchase groceries with I honestly don’t know what we will or will not do. I am scared and trying not to let David and Charlie know which is so hard.
How is you and your family handling this and how are you all doing? Do you have everything you need? Are you able to work or not? Can you find the supplies and groceries you need?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates