Tips to Find the Best Kid Swimming Goggles

The Mommies Reviews

Tips to Find the Best Kid Swimming Goggles

Being active is an important part of childhood, and swimming is an ideal recreational activity for kids. When considering the environments in which your kid will be swimming, i.e., chlorinated swimming pools, lakes, or ocean, you must take measures to protect your kids’ eyes from salt, bacteria, pollutants, and chemicals. A good pair of kid swimming goggles will help in preventing itchy and irritated eyes, and the kids will have greater visibility and clarity.

There is a huge variety of shapes, sizes, styles, and colors available on the market, which can make the task of choosing the best pair of kid swimming goggles more challenging. When you are looking for the right pair of swimming goggles for your kids, consider the following factors:


Not all kid swimming goggles are designed for the same purpose. Specific shapes, materials, and features are used to create goggles that are best suited to particular environments and swimming styles. Finding a suitable pair for intended use is the best way to ensure that the goggles last longer and perform well. Let’s see a couple of the most common goggle types:

Competition Goggles

If your kid develops a deeper interest in swimming, he or she might become involved in swimming competitions. Goggles built for the competition are created to be smaller and more tightly fitting than standard pairs. They fit closely around the eye sockets so that they create less drag in the water. While this design makes them ideal for short-term use during competition, these kid swimming goggles may become uncomfortable if worn for a long period of time.

Recreational and Training Goggles

They are worn for hours at a time, so comfort is a key factor if you get them. They tend to be bulkier than competition goggles, and they fit more spaciously around the eyes for comfy long-term use.

Training goggles are designed with a similar approach to recreational goggles because competitive performance is not an issue.


Goggles made for outdoor wear or team sports have a very secure fitting, thick and durable strap, and a protective eye shape.

Lens Type

There is a wide range of lens coatings that can be applied to goggles to create different effects. UV-protected lenses are crucial for goggles that will be worn outdoors and mirrored, or tinted pairs are useful for reducing glare. If your kid requires glasses, prescription kid swimming goggles can be bought from many leading brands.

Special Material

Some brands offer versions made of hyper-allergenic silicone, which may be a necessity if your kid suffers from allergies.


While most versions of kid swimming goggles by trusted brands are quite inexpensive, there are some pricey versions too. They may look great and have all sorts of wonderful features, but most children lose or break goggles at least once. Your kid is probably no different. Thus, you may turn your attention to the less expensive versions, and you will thank yourself later.

Kid swimming goggles can be bought to suit almost any budget, and even highly advanced competition pairs are usually very affordable. Finding the pair for your kid is often a case of trial and error, so if you find the perfect pair, it is worthwhile to stock up on a couple of spares.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates