Tips for first-time visitors to distilleries to help them make a great tour

The Mommies Reviews

Tips for first-time visitors to distilleries to help them make a great tour

It could be your urge to learn about the history of making of spirits and liquor that encourages you to embark on a distillery tour. Often, visiting the place where your favorite whiskey, vodka or rum is made, prepares you for a more immersive experience of the spirits. You can satisfy your inquisitiveness about the what, when, how and why that led to the making of the great spirits that you are so fond of. Besides learning, the tasting experience is also a big reason why distillery tours are a rage today.

Almost every state in America has its own share of distilleries, and with half of them producing whiskey, there had never been a better time to take a tour of some of these near you to spend some time in the tasting rooms. To get a taste of Smoked Single Malt Whisky, Rye Malt Whisky or Colorado Bourbon Whisky and even learn about the nuances of producing the spirits, you must take an Ironton distillery tour that has carved a name of its own among craft distilleries.  To see how and when your favorite spirits come into existence is an enriching experience and you should feel privileged to get access to some tasting room exclusives or some limited releases that you would not find easily anywhere.  

Distillery visits are now on travel itineraries

Distillery visits have now become a part of any tourism as more and more tourist take an interest in it. Visiting a distillery can be a lot of fun especially for those who are fond of drinking and for some others not so familiar with drinks it could be a strange experience, especially for the first time. Visiting a distillery is entirely different from visiting a brewery because the focus of distillery visits is on tasting the spirits somewhat like wine tasting. Typically, you would have a brief tour followed by sampling an array of different products. However, what could be on offer during tasting sessions depends to a great extent on the state laws. Delicious cocktails could be awaiting you at some distilleries whereas at some other place you might have to be happy with only a few thimble-sized samples of spirits served at room temperature.

Do not have any expectations

Since the attraction of tasting spirits might be high on your mind, remember that the local law influences what the host offers in the tasting rooms and it is better not to have any expectations about it. A smart approach would be to take it as it comes. Even if some places have sit down bar areas equipped to serve food and full cocktail menus, you might have to settle with some samples served in a make-shift bar. But if you have some expectations, it is better to check before the visit about the possibilities of fulfilling it.

To get the most from the visit to a distillery, it does require some mental preparation, and therefore it is important to know how you can have a great time when you are on distillery visit. Here are some tips to make things easy for you.

Know something about distilleries before the visit

It is common to see that many people who go for distillery tours are not aware of the differences between a brewery and distillery.  They simply do not know that distilleries make spirits and not beer. Even if you are a spirit aficionado, it might be that your accompaniments like friends and family might not know about spirits the way you do. Brief them about what happens in distilleries. Never dare to start the tour in the empty stomach because you will be tasting a couple of straight liquors during the visit to make sure you have something in your stomach to accept the offerings. At the same time, you must have a safe transport to go back home. Having your own transportation is especially important if you are visiting a farm distillery in a rural area and have enjoyed quite a few samplings.

Keep asking questions

You will be speaking during your visit and to have answers to your queries, which you would have many, do not hesitate to ask questions. No matter whom you are speaking to, whether he is a responsible official, the owner of the distillery or just a college-going guy doing some part-time job in a craft distillery, keep asking questions. The interaction satisfies the host who knows that the visitors are taking an interest, having fun and enjoying their trip while learning.

Express your liking

The hosts are keen to make visitors happy and provide them with a good experience and usually aware of where their products fit into the liquor and spirits landscape. To get the most out of the tasting experience, tell them something about your taste and what drink you like and why. That is essential when visiting distilleries that produce many spirits as you might not get the opportunity to try out everything. Try to sample things outside your known domain but by letting the host know your taste, and you could avoid the embarrassment of tasting something that you detest.

Be courteous

Respect the love and labor of distillers that go into the making of spirits as they might have spent years of their lives and many thousands of dollars to create the taste that they hope people will like. Even if you find it hard to accept the taste and your heart desires to pour out the feeling of dismay, be courteous enough not to express it. Not commenting at all is a great way to respond to grossness and if you must give feedback, leave a vague response like ‘it is not my cup of tea’ that conceals your disappointment and appears innocuous.

Paying back the distillery by buying a few bottles is an excellent way to reciprocate the kind gesture of the host but if you do not find a spirit of your choice, at least leave some tips as a sign of appreciation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates