Through the years

The Mommies Reviews

For most of us its hard to remember our School days. Especially if your 50 something. But there is one thing I remember and that is my friend Debbie Sutton.

My family lived in Watauga, Texas and I went to Grace E. Hardeman. I had a sister and brother and didn’t think I needed friends from school. But God had other plans for me.

I meet Debbie Sutton and we have been friends through Elementary School and into Middle School then she moved away and I thought I would never see her again.

Then one day she was back and it was like we hadn’t been apart. Her parents moved up the street from me and we was in and out of each others homes every weekend.

When he parents wouldn’t show up for the Plays or Choir concerts Debbie was in I went and dragged my boyfriend and his brother along with me. Can you believe that was David?

Life has thrown things at us and at times we might not have spoken but I always knew one day we would. Now, we take the time to have lunch together one day a week.

With Debbie I never have to be afraid to mention Suzzane. She doesn’t mind if I have to bring Charlie on our lunch dates. I’, proud to say Debbie and Karlee treat Charlie just like he is party of there family.

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Who would have thought in 2nd grade that soon I will be able to say we have been friends for 50 years. What more could I ask for God Blessed me with a sister and a brother and then he added a adopted sister to my family.

If you was to ask my mom she would have said Debbie was her daughter and would have adopted her if she could. Suzzane thought of Debbie as a Aunt and Charlie just says he loves her.

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Even David and Debbie are friends. David and I dated in High School and there wasn’t one day that David didn’t bring me a Gift and he never forgot David making me love him even more.

I can’t wait to see where the next year takes us as Debbie begins her blogging journey. As well as moving into her new home and starting a Church as her husband is a Pastor.

Curtis preached my daughters funeral and my mom asked Debbie to sing but she wasn’t prepared and now the Lord is leading Karlee to singing and I pray it gets Debbie back into singing as she has a beautiful voice.

Do you still have friends from school? Do you hang out with them? Because I have multiple friends I talk to all the time but none of them will ever take Debbie’s place.

I was so proud as the other night I was hosting a Blogger Event and even though it was raining Debbie came to support me. I can never thank her enough for bring Karlee and spending the evening seeing what I do in person.

I love how when we are out and about if I have to answer a Text of Phone Call she understands its my work. Or if I want to go someplace we haven’t been. Or make her wait to eat while I take pictures she just smiles and waits for me to finish.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates