There is somethings I don’t like discussing about myself including dealing with Depression which I’ve done several times in my life. If truth was none I believe Charlie and David also deal with depression. Which is why I wanted to let you know “There Are Far More Signs of #Depression and #Anxiety Than We Know, According to Health Reporter”.
Health Reporter has conducted an extensive evaluation of the current body of research, and their findings indicate that there are a lot of symptoms of depression and anxiety that have not gotten adequate attention. Let’s dive into more details.
#1 Dry mouth
The first unnoticed symptom is dry mouth. Xerostomia (reduced Saliva production) is brought on by mouth breathing, anti-anxiety medications, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It’s estimated that 51% of people with anxiety and 47% with depression had Xerostomia. It is important because the reduced Salivary flow and Xerostomia can lead to Oral Diseases like Parotitis, Cheilitis, Candidiasis, Periodontitis, and others.
#2 Increased touchiness
Health Reporter also found that depression and anxiety increase touchiness. In the Sensa app survey, 47.34% of respondents indicated they felt touchy “quite often,” and 11.91% stated they are touchy “nearly always.” All kinds of emotions, which are continuously shifting for people with depression, might cause increased touchiness. For example, a depressed individual may swing from being irritable and annoyed to being touchy within the same hour.

#3 Physical pain
The third and most unique symptom is physical pain. Depression can cause joint pain, limb pain, back pain, Gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. There is a biological link between mental illness and physical pain. As both pain and mood are controlled by Serotonin and Norepinephrine, Transmitters that don’t work right are linked to both depression and pain.
#4 Negative body image
Negative body image is associated with depression and anxiety. There is a bidirectional relationship between depression and body image. Either depression worsens our sense of our bodies, or a distorted reflection promotes depression. Study shows that it is so prevalent that one-third of people who suffer from depression are unhappy with their reflections.
If you encounter these symptoms, we recommend you pay close attention to your mental health and consider seeing an expert.
More information about the study conducted by Health Reporter:

Dr. Rosmy Barrios Medical Advisor
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates