This is a review for The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science (Indescribable Kids) Published by Louie Giglio a Devotion Book which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

Homeschooling Charlie allows us to think outside the box in the classes were teaching and to put classes together at times. Which is what I was able to do this week for Science Class and Charlie’s new Bible Class I was wanting to add to our Lesson Plans.
Not knowing what to teach Bible Class other than the Bible had me stumped until The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science arrived and I had a chance to thumb through the book. Before I knew what was happening I was sitting down reading the book and finding myself making notes on things Charlie and I could study opening up new doors not only in Science Class, Bible Class, but Vocabulary and Spelling. Along with projects for our Art Class Charlie is wanting to start as well.
When Charlie came in from outside I ask him to sit down and flip through the book with me. Before I knew it a couple hours had passes as we found ourselves discussing things we found in the book and looking up facts online. Which showed me this was the book I should be using to teach Charlie with.

As we were talking Charlie’s friend Bradley knocked on the door to see if Charlie wanted to play Basketball. Charlie surprised me when Charlie said come inside I want to show you a book my mom and I are looking through. Bradley also got caught up inside the book and begin to share things he had learned in school.
Allowing us to have one on one time and conversations that we hadn’t been having because Charlie is becoming a Teenager and it isn’t cool spending time with your parents. As we finished looking through the book Charlie and Bradley even asked me if the Author had other books I could get them. Which is a Godsend because this means its something they would read which doesn’t usually happen.

In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids’ devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, discover more mind-blowing, faith-building Scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation from Author, speaker, and founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio.
Well-known for his powerful and highly visual messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and marvel at God’s creation. In The Wonder of Creation, children will find new delight in God’s creativity with 100 devotions that explore:
- animals—from honeyguide birds to flying snakes to white rhinos
- Space—from black holes to volcanic moons to gamma-ray bursts
- people—from optical illusions to brain freezes to our immune systems
- Earth—from rainbow rivers to blue lava to flowing glaciers
- and much, much more!
With engaging illustrations and striking photography, this fun and informative book is ideal for children ages 6–10. Each of the 100 devotions features a scientific fact or an easy activity for exploring faith, a short Bible verse, and a closing prayer.

With a beautifully bright and colorful cover and a ribbon bookmark, The Wonder of Creation
- is ideal for Science-loving kids, Bible-loving kids, and any child ready to go deeper in faith
- continues a well-loved devotional series that has impacted over a million children, parents, and teachers
- includes informative content call-outs inviting kids to “Explore the Wonder”
- makes a great addition to a Homeschool STEM Curriculum or a bedtime reading routine
As kids explore this awe-inspiring devotional, they’ll be amazed at the many wonders God has made!
Check out these other books in the bestselling Indescribable Kids series:
- Indescribable
- Indescribable for Little Ones
- How Great Is Our God
About Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church and Original Visionary of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus.
Since 1997, Passion Conferences has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Most recently, Passion hosted over 700,000 people from over 150 countries online at Passion 2021.
Louie is the national-bestselling author of over a dozen books including his newest release, Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, as well as Goliath Must Fall, Indescribable: 100 Devotions about God & Science, The Comeback, The Air I Breathe, I Am Not But I Know I Am, and others. As a communicator, Louie is widely known for messages like Indescribable and How Great is Our God.
An Atlanta native and graduate of Georgia State University, Louie has done post-graduate work at Baylor University and holds a master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Louie and Shelley make their home in Atlanta.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates