I know I shouldn’t say it but last weekend was the weekend from HELL or as Charlie say’s he double Hockey Sticks. Thank the Lord I didn’t have major events to cover on Saturday.

I was going to be able to visit Stephonia W Roberts at her company and see the beautiful fence doors she has in her Garden in person. As well as learn more about her company and her son’s Art.

While there we could have discussed her other company Mrs. Jacks Body Food. With Christmas around the corner it would have been fun to find new Gifts for those on my Gift Giving list.
The Lord had other plans for us as we got lost going to see Stephonia. Were getting ready to call her for directions when we was T Boned by another car.

I called to reschedule the appointment and Stephonia was kind. I can’t wait to ask Alyssa if she would like to go meet Stephonia with me this week. If she can’t then I will ask David because he loves Art just as much as I do.
On Saturday evening I went to bed because my shoulder ended up hurting from the Wreck, On my way to bed David let me know his back was hurting and he wasn’t going to work on Monday.
While I was asleep a something bite me on the face. Which I didn’t fell happen. The only reason I knew it was because when I woke up my face was swollen under my eye and there was a red bump.

I wasn’t sure what the bump was and thought I could take care of the bump myself but the bump turned into a sore and they sore kept getting worse and ended up breaking out into two spots and kept hurting.
David took me out to dinner last night and then he brought me to North Hills Hospital. They confirmed they were Spider Bites and I was given two Antibiotics.
if I hadn’t gone when I did I was told it could have gotten a lot worse and affected my Eye which it has been doing a bit today but with the Med’s I know I will get better.

If you want to know why I didn’t go to the Doctor sooner it’s because we didn’t have Insurance and I didn’t want to spend the money although after talking to the doctor last night from now on when I gt sick I am going as soon as possible.
I also found out my Blood Pressure was high and they game me a pill to bring it down and if it hadn’t came down I would have had to stay. Once again the Lord was watching over me and my family.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates