The Vibe Spray, Room Cleansing Spray

Home Remodeling Review

Good morning, I would like to share The Vibe Spray, Room Cleansing Spray from Linda Lauren which I received a bottle of the spray in exchange for this review.

There is something in our home causing a lot of negative energy. Charlie, David and I are always tired, bickering and stressed out. I don’t believe in Physics or Mediums and negative energy and all that but I am telling you there is something her and it wasn’t here when we first moved in. Now, that its time to renew our lease I just don’t know what to do.

I never seem to finish projects I start. My weight loss is on and off. Charlie refuses to do school no, matter what I say to him. All he wants to do is sleep. He is ugly to David and I and I’m tired of it. David is always grouchy from pulling so many hours. No, matter what we do we can’t get out of the whole we got into moving her from the trailer.

If David isn’t careful, he is going to end up sick and not able to work. Then we will find ourselves out on the street. Our phone is off, and our storage and car payments are behind. They could pick up the car at anytime and David wouldn’t be able to get to work. I could go to work but my knees wouldn’t handle me standing on my feet and all I know how to do is be a cashier.

If things don’t change not only, could I lose my home and car but my family. I knew we needed to change things as soon as possible. Which is why I was excited to try out The Vibe Spray which will get rid of negative vibes. I sprayed some around the area I work in last night and plan on spraying Charlie and David’s room today while they are gone.

As well as P RAYING for things to change because the LORD knows our needs and can help us out. Just as The Vibe Spray will. If you’re facing \ negativity in your life I hope you use try The Vibe Spray as soon as possible because it comes with a nice calming clean smelling scent. That will capture your attention and bring positivity into your lives.

Before you say I have pets and children you do not have to worry because The Vibe Spray is safe for parents and children. Charlie even has Asthma and Allergies and some scents trigger headaches in me, but The Vibe Spray didn’t bother either of us and we’ve switched it out with the air fresheners we usually use.

About this item

  • SMOKELESS ALTERNATIVE FOR SMUDGING The Vibe Spray is safer and more effective than burning herbs sage sticks, or using oil diffusers that are sometimes made with artificial scents. With one simple spray you can clear up any negative energy. Each spray will create a relaxing aroma that can help decrease feelings of stress and negativity while replacing it with a positive vibration.
  • INCREASE POSITIVE ENERGY – Use The Vibe Spray in any setting to help clear negative energy and purify your space. Perfect cleansing spray for your home, hotel room, apartment, nursing homes, hospitals, car, spa, bathroom, office, and living spaces. The Vibe Spray instantly creates a sense of peacefulness that has a lasting effect. Our handcrafted family formula contains a mix of essential oil and sea salts that will help relax the mood. Made in the USA.
  • MADE WITH ESSENTIAL OILThe Vibe Spray is a proprietary formula that contains sea salt and rose essential oil. Have you ever had an unsettled feeling about a certain room or building? Are there spirits lingering with or without your knowledge? Let The Vibe Spray’s uplifting clearing energy restore your current environment.
  • DEVELOPED & USED FOR GENERATIONS – “As a 4th generation psychic medium for over 50 years, I have been involved in my share of paranormal investigations. I know how I feel when I enter a room, building, or street. I sense energy and that can carry both positive and negative vibrations. A place doesn’t have to be haunted to be negative, and we all sense energy to a certain degree.
  • Can be used in a home, work or public environment to increase positive energy.
 Linda Lauren is a 4th Generation Psychic Medium. She is the creator of The Vibe™ Room Energy Clearing Spray and author of the memoir, Medium Rare. She connects with people who come to her for guidance through the color and energy she senses around them.
Linda, also known as the “Travel Psychic ™ uses that energy to guide her clients with their travel plans. Linda owns and operates Linda Lauren’s Embracing The Universe in Mountainside, NJ. She has been a professional psychic since assisting law enforcement in a murder investigation in 1978. Linda Lauren is also a Color and Energy Expert, Author and Reiki Practitioner. 

The Vibe Spray is a safe and more effective alternative to burning herbs and a cleaner alternative to diffusers that may contain manufactured scents designed for cover-up. Though the formula is proprietary, I can certainly share that it is made with love, sea salt, and all wrapped in a soft top-note of Rose Essential Oil. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates