I wanted to let you know about an upcoming picture book The Unique Beak written by Austin Author Estani Frizzell and Illustrated by Sophia Frizzell which I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review.

It’s not very often I am home by myself but it happened today. I had plans to do laundry and take a nice long shower then rest. But that didn’t happen I worked on my site Then I made dinner. Once that was done I sat by down at my desk and noticed sitting on it.
I opened up the book and before I new what was happening I got drawn into the story and fell in love with Sai the Peacook. I couldn’t wait for Charlie to come home to share the book with him. Charlie arrived and I asked him to flip through the book.
Before I knew what was happening Charlie was lost inside the story and didn’t want to talk. Once Charlie finished he let me know he would have liked to hear Sai sing and that he didn’t like how the animals treated him which is the way other kids have treated Charlie.

But Charlie was so excited to see he had one friend he could always count on. Charlie said just like you are with me mom. I let Charlie know that no, matter what happens in life or were he goes that I would always be here to take care of him. Just like the two friends did each other.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to read Introducing Sai the Peacock: The Unique Beak I hope you will pick up a copy to share with your children. Also, pick up a extra copy for your children’s teachers or friends as this would make the perfect gift not only for children but adults.

Introducing Sai the Peacock: The Unique Beak
Sai is a kind young peacock who lives with his royal family. He has brilliant blue tail feathers that any regal peacock would be proud of―and Sai LOVES to sing!
But his family laughs at that idea, AND at him! They say his beak is too big while making fun of his singing voice.
Saddened by their ridicule, Sai finally vows never to sing in front of anyone again! He hides himself away and doubts his dreams. Will he take their criticism to heart? Will he give up?

Estani Frizzell’s spirited and unique story shows children how just one special friend’s support can make a difference in carrying us where our talents are meant to take us.
Author Estani Frizzell, multi-faceted singer/songwriter known for an array of musical styles, has wanted to write children’s books since the birth of her daughter. With Sai Peacock―and rhythm and rhyme―she has now found the perfect way to deliver catchy hooks and melodies in a variety of sonic and lyrical tastes for children!
Illustrator LA native Sophia Frizzell creates a singular style through her work by blending elements of surrealism and the macabre. By the age of 16, she had achieved local recognition around Los Angeles with her graphite sketches and acrylic and oil paintings. Embarking on a new venture, she’s now diving into the world of children’s books.

Estani Frizzell, multi-faceted singer/songwriter known for an array of musical styles has wanted to write children’s books since the birth of her daughter. With Sai Peacock—and rhythm and rhyme—she has now found the perfect way to deliver catchy hooks and melodies in a variety of sonic and lyrical tastes for children!
After performing and working in production, songwriting, and coaching in LA for 24 years, Estani earned three nominations from the Hollywood Music and Media Awards and her first nomination for best music video in 2021 from Montreal Independent Film Festival and the Toronto Independent Film Festival.

Her latest album, Droughts in the Ocean, and a new adventure with Sai Peacock and Cricket mark a happy return to her home state of Texas, where she makes Austin her home. The icing on the cake is working with her daughter, illustrator Sophia Frizzell, and witnessing her words come to life through Sophia’s eyes.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates