The Ultimate Teeth Whitening Guide: Know What’s Best For You  

The Mommies Reviews

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Your teeth are not just something for chewing your food, they’re also a part of your personality. When you talk, you can’t help exposing them. When you choose to smile, everyone can see your teeth. Also check out YOU’RE SMILE MATTERS: A COMPREHENSIVE LOOK AT DENTAL CARE AND FINDING THE PERFECT DENTIST. which shares information when you consult your dentist.

Do you ever find yourself consciously not smiling, or keeping your mouth closed when you do smile, because you’re aware of the fact that your teeth are discolored? You should be comfortable flashing your smile whenever you like, so you could explore ways of whitening your teeth. 

Before you embark on any whitening procedures, get advice from your dentist. An option they may discuss is having porcelain veneers fitted. This is a solid, durable option for whitening your teeth.

Why do your teeth not say white?

As you get older, your teeth begin to change discolor slightly, as a natural part of aging. The enamel on your teeth thins and some of the dentin shows through. 

Your teeth can also become discolored for other reasons. If you are a smoker, the nicotine stains your teeth over time. Similarly, if you don’t look after your teeth properly, or if you take certain medications, it’ll affect the color of your teeth over time.

What can you do about discolored teeth?

When your teeth begin to discolor, you have three choices:

  • Accept that your teeth will discolor, live with them and make the most of having discolored teeth.
  • Identify the possible reasons for the discoloration and change your habits to avoid further alterations in color. This may be improving your oral hygiene, quitting smoking and trying to avoid medications that will affect your enamel.
  • Change your habits, especially your oral hygiene, and pursue methods to whiten your teeth.

You can whiten your teeth in different ways. Consult your dentist to find out what some options are. You can also do it at home. Most importantly, remember that you should always consult a trusted dentist before you take any steps to whiten your teeth.


Bleaching your teeth means using a solution that includes peroxide. It reacts with the molecules in the stains on your teeth and lightens them.

In the dentist’s room

The dentist uses a stronger bleaching agent in their office than you use at home. Its agent is a form of gel that is applied to the surface of your teeth. The dentist then warms up the gel with a laser, a light or heat. This prompts the chemical reaction that makes the gel work on the dark marks on your teeth and lightens them.

The bleach used in laser treatment is strong and whitens your teeth quite quickly. The effects can also last for up to three years. 

At home

You can use a bleaching agent at home to whiten your teeth, which will also usually be some kind of peroxide. The stronger the bleach, the quicker you’ll see results. However, strong peroxide can damage your teeth, so you need to make sure you don’t leave it on for too long.

The most common way of applying whitening gel to your teeth at home is to use plastic ‘trays’. These are two strips of shells that fit over your top and bottom teeth. You inject a little whitening gel into the trays, place them over your teeth and leave them on for 30 minutes. You should do this twice a day.

Bonding and veneers

If you have a chipped tooth that needs repairing, or a gap between your teeth you want to make narrower, the dentist can use bonding. That means they take a resin composite and use it to build up or repair your teeth. 

A dentist may also use a veneer to cover the whole surface of your tooth. This makes them whiter. 

A veneer is a thin, false covering that’s attached to the surface of your teeth. You can opt for one made of a composite resin, or of porcelain. To attach a veneer, the teeth have to be ground down a bit, so that the shell will stick. The procedure is permanent, although you may have to have a veneer patched up after about 10 years.

Other methods to whiten your teeth at home

So many people are looking for ways to keep from spending a lot of money on cosmetic procedures. Join the ranks and whiten your teeth at home. The option you have is to use whitening gels and strips. They are applied to your teeth twice a day for about 30 minutes. On the other hand, you can also use toothpastes or charcoal products. They work more slowly than gels, but they are also less likely to cause harm to your teeth.

The trick of whitening your teeth at home is not to take it too far. The thing is that you can’t afford to damage the enamel on your teeth. Apart from weakening them, they will discolor, which is what you were trying to avoid in the first place. 

Always consult your dentist

Consulting your dentist is essential to keep your teeth healthy. They will also guide you in whitening your teeth, professionally or at home. You should visit them regularly.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates