How are you? I found a event called “The Ultimate Coffee Date” which I would like to invite you to join. “The Ultimate Coffee Date” is where I get to share things with you.Just as if we were sitting down having a cup of “COFFEE” in our favorite restaurant. Although, I would chose a glass of Iced Tea instead of Coffee. How about you?
Here is the link where you can find the details explaining the event . Once your finished checking the information out grab the button and link up with us. It’s always nice to make new friends.
Is there anything you would like to share with me?
As for me and our Cup of Coffee I will start with the beginning of December were scrambled getting ready for Charlies Birthday. Which is the 16th of December.
Right in the middle of planning and purchasing decorations and Gifts for Charlie Davids hours were cut at work. We were able to survive and have a party.
Charlie is 7 and everyone we loved showed up for Charlie’s Birthday which made the party a success. We even had people I didn’t think show up show up.
We didn’t have the money to take a trip David borrowed his Uncles Don’s van and took us to Oklahoma to see my dad and brother for Christmas. This was a neat treat because I was able to see my Aunt and Uncle as well.
Now it’s your turn to share while we sit and enjoy over cup of Coffee. How you week is going?
Once we returned home we thought Davids hours would pick back up and they haven’t which is making it scary time. I know God will provide and I’m not going to let David’s hours being cut get me down. We will just plug along.
Davids daughter left yesterday to return home which was sad and we found out his mom had to have Cancer removed from her forehead but we both know she is going to be just fine. Sherry is to stubborn to let something like Cancer get her down.
I moved both blogs in December and I’m working on rebuilding the stats and finishing up reviews from 2014. I’m excited to see where 2015 will take me as a business owner.
Charlie will be going to Church and I’m cleaning house while Charlie is gone. Once Charlie gets home he and his friend are going to watch a couple movies and I’m making them lunch because they return to school tomorrow. I’m ready for them to return to school but I’m going to miss Charlie like crazy.
Now that you know a bit about what we’ve been up to. Come share with me what you’ve been up to. What are your plans are for 2015? You do not have to have a “CUP OF COFFEE” just pick your favorite beverage and lets chat!!!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I’ve spent way too much time at my computer today and not enough time enjoying my boys. Thanks for the cup of coffee
Keep positive and have faith and it will all work itself out!