The True Story of WrestleMania 

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie has loved Wrestling since he was two years old and as a parent we want to fulfill our children’s dreams. For Charlie this would be attending WrestleMania.

One day before Charlie is grow I will be able to take him to WrestleMania God willing. Now, I may not go with them because it would be a great bonding match for David and Charlie.

Then again I might because I have wrestlers I like and there is some matches I wouldn’t mind seeing in person. WrestleMania would allow me to share one of Charlie’s loves with him.

To prepare my family for the event I purchased The True Story of WrestleMania which we can sit down as a family and read together. As well as using this novel in our Homeschooling class.

The True Story of WrestleMania 

It is the most anticipated yearly event in Sports Entertainment, an annual pop culture touch point. For more than 25 years, WrestleMania has hosted the biggest matches, the biggest stars, and the biggest celebrities. Now for the first time ever, the story of WrestleMania is told from its early beginnings through the week-long spectacular it has become, routinely drawing fans from all 50 states and around the world. This documentary feature includes new and insightful interviews from the superstars and creative forces behind the event.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates