The Top Signs You’re Fitter Than You Think!

The Mommies Reviews

We’re often pretty hard on ourselves when it comes to fitness, aren’t we? We do everything possible to critique our bodies and upset ourselves with the information we absorb on social media. We compare – which we already know is the thief of all things joyful, right? While we’re hard on ourselves, we do need to make allowances and really give ourselves a break from time to time and that time is now.

You could be much fitter than you think you are. You might think your desk job makes you unfit but it’s really  not the case. In fact, a desk job has no bearing on whether you are physically fit or not. If you understand the sports nutrition options with AthleticStore and what sports nutrition actually means, you’re already fitter than you think you are! Knowledge is power when it comes to your health and it’s time you started focusing on your own strengths instead of comparing yourself to other people. Sure, we all slip up with our diet and nutrition from time to time, but that doesn’t make you ‘unfit’. So, here are some of the signs that you are fitter than you first thought:

Image source: Pexels

  1. You are on your feet as much as possible. Desk job? That doesn’t mean you sit all day long sipping tea at your desk! It’s actually really common that active people are active so even if your job keeps you sitting, you do what you can to walk around and stand where you can. Pay attention to the way you work and how often you get out of your chair. 
  2. You’re sharp. Fitness isn’t just about physical fitness, but mental fitness, too. If you notice you’re ahead of your game in the workplace and you’re getting the bonuses you have fought for, the chances are very good that your mental fitness is strong and intact.
  3. Your gym recovery is fast! Testing yourself with sprints or high intensity body movements? Yep, that’s a good way to build fitness. But you need to assess how fit you are here and a good way to do that is with your recovery time. If you are recovering well after you go to the gym, it’s a true test of fitness to know that you are bouncing back and ready for your next sessions without the aches, pains and annoyances that come with a good workout. 
  4. Your cravings bypass pizza. You can eat pizza and still be fit, but if you crave healthy options and crunchy veggies more than you crave super fattening kebabs, then you’re going to be in better condition than you think! The desire for healthy and nutritious food will always win, and people who are in good shape will know that!
  5. You feel good. You’re not lethargic, your sex life is great and your mental health is clear – this shows your fitness levels are better than you thought. Everyone wants to feel good on the inside and outside and if you aren’t struggling to stay awake, you’re winning.