Hw are you? I would like to welcome you to check out The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers which is published by Martin Keller in exchange for this review.

As you read through the release I received on The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers I noticed it said this book is for women and I know people might agree with that but not me.
I wanted this book for David and I can see Charlie reading the story as well. Which is why you will find this book inside our Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Gifts for Men: The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers.

A Gift that’s Almost Out of this World! — The New SPACE PEN CLUBBOOK about UFOs/UAPs & MORE with a Rousing Dan Aykroyd Endorsement!
A Gift that’s Almost Out of this World! — The New SPACE PEN CLUB BOOK about UFOs/UAPs & MORE with a Rousing Dan Aykroyd Endorsement!
Here’s a unique gift for Women, or anyone interested in a trending INTERNATIONAL news item (that has always been of interest over the decades), about UFOLOGY/PARANORMAL. It’s complete with a rousing endorsement from Dan Aykroyd, a fellow UFO “enthusiast.”
The Space Pen Club: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind, UFO Disclosure, Consciousness & Other Mind Zoomers is penned by professional writer and veteran publicist Martin Keller*. It is a a timely historical, cultural and personal memoir — touching on UFO/UAP Disclosure, Close Encounters and related issues
At last, the world is hopefully witnessing the Big Thaw about the UFO/UAP subject in mainstream media, the military and in government. The Space Pen Club, a timely historical, cultural and true personal story, takes readers on a compelling insider’s journey that provides fresh insights into how we got to this point. And where we might go from here.
From Close Encounters of the 5th Kind — human-initiated contact — in unusual geographical locations to high strangeness episodes at home, Martin Keller’s book is written as much for those who know little about this perplexing subject. Ultimately, this multi-layered memoir captures the most dangerously alienated and magnificent outliers in the known universe confronting its place in the cosmos — humanity itself.
WATCH THE SKIES! and Thx for Taking a Look! –Mk
At last, the world is hopefully witnessing the Big Thaw about the UFO/UAP subject in mainstream media, the military and in government. The Space Pen Club – a timely historical, cultural and true personal story – takes readers on a compelling insider’s journey that provides fresh insights into how we got to this point. And where we might go from here.
From Close Encounters of the 5th Kind – human-initiated contact — in unusual locations including the volcano zone in Mexico and on a South Dakota Indian reservation to high strangeness episodes at home, Martin Keller’s book is written as much for those who know little about this perplexing subject. Ultimately, this multi-layered memoir captures the most dangerously alienated and magnificent outliers in the known universe confronting its place in the cosmos — humanity itself.
“Better than a family-sized bag of peanut M & M’s at midnight, I absolutely devoured this book! Keller’s lifelong quest for truth about his cosmic experiences with “the boys upstairs” often raises more questions than answers. But the rabbit holes this author diligently follows and the inner circles he is welcomed into reflect the best of both personal inquiry and investigative reporting. This is a compelling, thought provoking, relatable, well researched and at times, laugh-out-loud memoir.” FIVE STARS!
“Martin Keller lays out an entirely convincing and gripping account of his own eye-witnessed and continually credible events as an experiencer and his subsequent pursuits for truth and understanding while ultimately surviving travels through the ‘UFO Ghetto.’
It is a ghetto indeed if only because mainstream science, the verybody of practitioners who should be taking this subject seriously, haverelegated the work of Dr. Steven Greer and CSETI and the entire content of the leadingresearchers and writers on the subject to some junkyard of outlandish fantasy. TheSpace Pen Club is packed with deep sound witness testimonies, lotsof history, classic sightings, lore and a realistic view of the preachers inthe skeptic church. It makes for a great bibliography!”
–DAN AKROYD, Legendary Season 1 SNL cast member, Blues Brother, producer and writer witha lifelong interest in all things psi, paranormal and saucerlogical
Martin Keller is a former pop culture journalist, published author and unproduced screenplay writer, whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Leaders, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Final Frontier, Billboard, Utne Reader, Right On! the Star Tribune, the Mpls -St. Paul Business Journal, City Pages and others, with appearances on “Today,” “ 48 Hours,” PBS, Public Radio and more. Keller also has written Hijinx & Hearsay: Scenester Stories from Minnesota’s Pop Life.
For the past 25 years, he has worked as an award-winning public relations pro, including an adventurous stint for The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). The Space Pen Club is based, in part, on that period.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates