Most people we know have dealt with Mental Health if not in themselves then with someone they know. Which is why I would like to share The Shadow Work Workbook: Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self written by Jor-El Caraballo which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

In our home its with my step-son Travis how has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar, dealt with Drugs and tried to kill himself numerous times. Thank the LORD Travis seems to be better now but he could slip at anytime.
I can’t wait to see Travis and give him The Shadow Work Workbook: Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self which I believe would help him if he were to sit down and read the book. I honestly don’t think he will read the book even though it can help him because he hates reading because he struggles with reading.

I have a plan to sit down each evening and read The Shadow Work Workbook: Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self to David and I Pray he see’s how this book could help Travis and reaches out to him and shares what we learned.
For me I deal with depression after the death of my daughter and this book even helped me a lot. As I read through the book I was able to share things that can help Charlie and David as well. I hope you take the time to check out this book as soon as possible.

I love how this is much more than just a book to read but a workbook with affirmations we can use in our lives. Charlie and I can even use this workbook in our Homeschool Health Class when were studying Mental Health. Would you like to join or us in class or do you have something you would like to share?

The Shadow Work Workbook: Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self
Explore and embrace all parts of yourself with the help of the mental health self-care practice of shadow work so you can dig deeper into discovering who you are and pursue a happier, more fulfilled life.

Shadow work—the process of exploring your pain, trauma, and imperfections—is a powerful tool to help you embrace and accept yourself, even the parts that are difficult. The Shadow Work Workbook gives you everything you need to get started with a clear explanation of what shadow work is, how it works, and how it helps you, as well as guided meditations and accompanying journal prompts and affirmations to walk you through your own shadow work. Written by licensed therapist Jor-El Caraballo, this book is the perfect companion for your self-exploration journey.
About Jor-El Caraballo

Jor-El Caraballo is a licensed therapist and Co-founder of Viva, a mental health and wellness practice located in Brooklyn, NY. He is passionate about de-stigmatizing mental health and self-care, and is the author of the upcoming The Shadow Work Workbook Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self. You can follow Jor-El’s work on Instagram @jorelcaraballo or visit his website at
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and using your voice to give people the permission to face themselves and work towards better mental health. I appreciate you taking the time to review The Shadow Work Workbook!