Charlie and I are redoing our reading Library which we use in homeschooling. We will be going through the books we read last year and deciding which ones we want to use this year. As well as which books we need to purchase. Charlie reminded me he wanted to use The Orangey-Tan. I did to.

The Orangey-Tan is a a personalized children’s book from Manimal. I gave Charlie for Christmas. Manimals carries a variety of books to chose from. I plan on purchasing more novels for my niece and nephew.
The Orangey-Tan is a book for 6-10 year old’s that features an Ape with an evil plan that bears a certain resemblance to a certain current world leader. It’s up to your child to thwart him!

Charlie and I can use The Orangey-Tan during free reading. Or when we study animals, mammals and even for our Art class. Charlie can practice drawing The Orangey-Tan.

There’s a new King in Manimal Land,
And he wants all the animals banned.
He’s a monkey with an evil, evil plan.
If your child can’t stop him, no one can!

I want to surprise Charlie with The Grumpopotamus which fits both Charlie and David as they can be grumpy and I love love love Elephants. I wish I could have one for a pet.
If you like these novels as much as Charlie and I did then you should come and Meet The Manimals. Charlie and I can study each one when we begin our Homeschooling lessons on animals.
Check out Room To Read is a non-profit dedicated
To ensuring illiteracy is eradicated.
They further children’s literacy worldwide,
So that all kids can have books by their side
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates