I’m telling you cleaning our the school room leads to items I had forgotten about. Including the children’s book The Little Traveler of the Magic Land which Charlie enjoyed reading last year.

Inside The Little Traveler of the Magic Land are mystical creatures. Charlie liked hearing about them and there adventures. Once we finished reading The Little Traveler of the Magic Land I was able to come up with new and different lesson plans on subject I never thought about studying.
Charlie was able to practice his Art by drawing the creatures in The Little Traveler of the Magic Land. As well as writing a story about what would happen next.
I was worried Charlie might have trouble sleeping after reading The Little Traveler of the Magic Land but neither one of us did. Charlie even shared The Little Traveler of the Magic Land with Bradley who struggles with reading like Charlie does.
Bradley enjoyed The Little Traveler of the Magic Land and even sat down to read this novel to his little brother Troy. We shared The Little Traveler of the Magic Land with my niece and nephew.
Then we held a discussion session on The Little Traveler of the Magic Land and what the kids read. The explained to me what they learned. As they are all Homeschooling at the moment due to Covid-19.
I asked Charlie to sit down and share The Little Traveler of the Magic Land with David. I knew David wouldn’t be able to read The Little Traveler of the Magic Land on his own.
I asked Charlie to read The Little Traveler of the Magic Land to David. Once Charlie begin David didn’t want Charlie to stop. I had them read part of the The Little Traveler of the Magic Land each night so we could discuss what they read. I could make sure they understood the story.
All in all The Little Traveler of the Magic Land was a huge hit with everyone we shared this novel with. I can see Charlie reading The Little Traveler of the Magic Land again and again. As well as adding The Little Traveler of the Magic Land to our Home Library to keep to hand down to his own children one day.

The Little Traveler of the Magic Land starts with a vague memory. Batis is a kind little boy who travels to a magical land on his seventh birthday by a pre-defined plan with Bobby, his magic little fairy.
There he goes to look for his forgotten memories, wages war with badness, and with a heart full of love, he reaches to his parents.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates