This is a review for the Self-Help book The Liminal Odyssey: The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between by Sande Hart or at least this is how I seen the book they sent me a copy of in exchange for this review.

We never know what is going to happen from one day to the next and today is a perfect example of that. I had begun to work when I remembered I needed to call my mother in law who wanted Charlie to come and sit with his grandfather while she ran errands.
The phone rang and rang no, one answered. I figured she was making them breakfast. But she called back to say David had fallen and the ambulance was at her house. Here is David at work with no, phone and I have no, car to go help. I finally located David’s bosses number and called him.
Woke Charlie up to take the dogs out and had us both get dressed in case I needed to call a Uber to get to the hosipital. I knew I would need to stay busy or this would bring up memories of my dad. I didn’t want to cry and upset Charlie.
I moved my drink and my hand brushed across The Liminal Odyssey: The Alchemical a book I was planning on reading. Charlie was sitting on the couch and he turned the TV off and asked me to bring the book over and come sit with him. As I did I could feel some of my anxiety leaving.
Charlie and I began to browse through the book and we stopped on the index. Charlie said mom look there is a chapter about a DOG. Charlie asked me to read that chapter to him which happened to be the first chapter. I loved hearing how at a concert people were told to go roll down the windows because the Dog was in the car.
They mentioned Woodstock and a Rally called Peace Sunday which I hadn’t ever heard of but we plan on researching and studying in our Homeschool Music Class. Throughout the book there were tips and discussion questions which brought Charlie and I closer.
The Book The Philosophy The Adventure
“Liminal” means threshold, and we find thresholds all day long if we have the eyes to see. Thresholds are not just a transitionary place, they are opportunities for discovery, awareness and choice. We are at a fascinating place now in the history of the human epoch, at the threshold of the next paradigm shift. By all measures, our world is changing, and this requires us all to be prepared by building capacity to contribute to its ease.
The Liminal Odyssey is an ideology told through a weaving of Sande’s true-life stories, each illustrating those practical applications of methodologies, philosophies, indigenous knowledge, and some Science as tools to alchemize one’s life. Collectively, they create their own spiritual psychology, leaving room for the reader’s wisdom and tools. Because we are cultivating awareness and pausing in the spaces in-between, our life’s Odyssey expands where synchronicities become daily occurrences and the mundane becomes the miraculous.

Sande set out to tell a single personal story that was fascinating and magical, which unleashed a series of synchronistic stories. Before she knew it, she was seeing that each story, easily discounted as “mundane,” led to a teaching to learn from. Ultimately revealing was the realization that we each have these mundane stories that are really miraculous adventures in hiding, and how to slow down to grasp the moment. Then, what to do with that awareness in order to contribute to the emerging world that needs us all to be fully aware of our authentic power.
The Liminal Odyssey ideology suggests that a convergence of the skills and tools that Sande learned from some of our world’s most spiritually prolific thought leaders create their own power-tool. Step into the Liminal Odyssey and hold on!”

“The human adventure is an evolutionary journey filled with challenges and unknowns. In transitional times such as these, many of us long for a mentor, someone to take us by the hand and whisper reassurance that, despite outward appearances, everything is unfolding exactly as it must. And fortunately, every so often, a guidebook comes along to provide a map of the territory ahead. Sande Hart’s Liminal Odyssey is such a book. It will provide you with the vision and the courage and the confidence to go where the brave dare not go, and to emerge transformed, your butterfly wings spread wide.”
Andrew Cameron Bailey, co-Author of The Trust Frequency: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm. Author of The Mayflower Revelations
For more about The Liminal Odyssey, Additional Statements of Praise, the Book Club, Listen to an excerpt and more, please visit
About Sande Hart

Sande Hart is an award-winning leader in the fields of women’s empowerment and interfaith community building. She founded the women’s interfaith international grassroots organization S.A.R.A.H. (The Spiritual And Religious Alliance for Hope) the morning of 9/11, an instinct to gather women of diverse faiths to protect all that they consider sacred, now in its 20th year. She founded and served as director of Charter for Compassion’s Women and Girls sector, served as chair for the United Religions Initiative for North America and serves on the Women’s Task Force for The Parliament of World’s Religions.
Hart is also the founder of Compassionate California. She is currently being inducted into the Women’s Oral History Library of Claremont Colleges.
For more information, please visit
The Liminal Odyssey: The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between
ISBN-13: 979-8812367336
Available from
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates