The Life Beyond Depression

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share a children’s self-help book with you. This new book is called The Life beyond Depression A Mayo Clinic patient story by Hey Gee and Gifty.

As a parent it’s hard to imagine a child being depressed but I believe I’ve seen it firsthand in my own family with my stepson Travis. As much as I hate to admit it I’m wondering if Charlie might also be depressed. Charlie doesn’t want to do anything but stay in his room on his game. School isn’t being done and he can be nice one moment and very ugly and rude at the flip of a switch.

Charlie sleeps all day and stays up all night. No, matter what I say though David doesn’t listen and says he will take care of things. But I know I’ve suffered from depression even though I’ve never seen a doctor because we don’t have insurance. I don’t think David can help Charlie but I am done trying because talking to them is like talking to a brick wall.

Instead I am going to give Charlie my copy of My Life Beyond Depression and ask Charlie to read the book for our Homeschool Health Class. Once Charlie has finished reading the book I plan on discussing things the young man went through. I also plan on putting together a survey for Charlie to answer.

Through the book I know Charlie and I will be able to change the way we feel and regain our life and stop depression from taking over allowing us to live our lives to the fullest and get back our happy lives which I miss. I hate being tired all the time and just wanting to lay on the couch and as of today I am taking my life back even if Charlie doesn’t.

No, matter what age your child is please take the time to share My Life Beyond Depression with them and also any adults you know that might be suffering from Depression. Talk to every School Principal and Counselor you know and ask them to keep this book in there office as well as Pastors of children’s Churches.

About the book:

Studies show that, at any point in time, 10% to 15% of children and adolescents have some symptoms of depression. They may have a hard time seeing how their life will look after they harness the tools to manage symptoms of depression. 

Inspired by the story of Mayo Clinic patient, Gifty, My Life Beyond Depression (Mayo Clinic Press Kids / May 2, 2023 / $14.99 / Ages 8-12 years old) helps children identify feelings of depression and provides actionable ways they can respond when their depression becomes overwhelming and begins to affect their relationships and school.

This book includes definitions for key terms such as cope, meditation, and mood disorder, among others. Medical Editor, Paul E. Croarkin, D.O., M.S., provides some additional information after the patient story, describing how depression presents itself differently for children and adults. 

Children’s voices are rarely heard amid the complexity of modern medicine. That’s why every story in the My Life Beyond series stems from the imagination and experience of a Mayo Clinic patient. The books were developed through collaboration between these patients, Mayo Clinic physicians and author-illustrator Hey Gee. Through this unique lens of inspiring real-life experiences, the series explores how children view illness, challenges and recovery. Also publishing soon is My Life Beyond Sickle Cell Disease (Mayo Clinic Press Kids / July 4, 2023 / $14.99). 


Gifty was born in 2007 in the Tobandu Refugee Camp in Sierra Leone. At birth she had problems with her liver. It soon became clear she would need a liver transplant to survive. This was not a possibility where she lived. Her only chance for survival was to be adopted to a country where she could have the surgery. With the help of an international organization, she was able to find a family in the United States and receive a transplant at age 2 1/2. However, five days after the transplant, Gifty had a massive hemorrhagic stroke. She was brought back in for emergency brain surgery. The stroke left her with physical disabilities and some cognitive impairment. Now a teenager, Gifty likes listening to music, writing poetry, creating fashion designs and taking part in social activism. Her hope and dreams are to have a place in this world and to find peace within herself.

Guillaume Federighi, aka Hey Gee, is a French and American author and illustrator. He began his career in 1998 in Paris, France. He also spent a few decades exploring the world of street art and graffiti in different European capitals. After moving to New York in 2008, he worked with many companies and brands, developing a reputation in graphic design and illustration for his distinctive style of translating complex ideas into simple and timeless visual stories. He is also the owner and creative director of Hey Gee Studio, a full-service creative agency based in New York City.

Author Guillaume Federighi aka Hey Gee is a French-American author and illustrator.

Hey Gee is a true master of conceptual drawing. After exploring the world of graffiti and street art, while traveling across Europe and the world, he started a career as a graphic designer in the earlier 2000’s, first in Paris, then in San Francisco and in New York where he currently lives and works.

Hey Gee has developed a reputation for translating complex ideas into simple, timeless visual stories.

Art director and creative director in design agencies, but also in editorial and publishing, he has never stopped drawing, in complete freedom. Nourished by these two passions between graphic design and illustration, it now combines a very safe graphic experience and unlimited creativity!

His latest books published by the Ipsen Foundation and Mayo Clinic have met with immense success. He was also a finalist for the Paris 2024 Olympics mascot, and caught the attention of McDonald’s for a digital campaign with DDB agency.

When he’s not working, Gee spends his personal time with his son exploring New York and the surrounding area.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates