This is a review for the book The Joy of Self-Care: 250 DIY De-Stressors and Inspired Ideas Full of Comfort, Calm, and Relaxation (Self-Care Ideas for Depression, Improve Your Mental Health)lf Care by Becca Anderson which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

Like all moms I never take time for myself I just push and push until I can do anymore. I decided this morning I was going to change that I picked up this book and poured my favorite beverage. Then I headed outside to the porch.
David was working and Charlie was the only one home. I let Charlie know I didn’t want to be bothered for at least a hour. I left the phone and dogs inside. I opened up the book and began to read. Before I knew it the hour had passed and I had read the whole book.

As I walked back inside and saw the house and all the work I needed to do I began to feel guilty but then I looked over and saw the book and stopped and just thanked the LORD for another day. Throughout the day as I worked I reminded myself to step away from the computer for lunch.
I took small breaks throughout the day and went outside on walks. Instead of getting less work done I got more accomplished. I didn’t feel stressed or guilty at the end of the day when I turned the computer off to spend time with my family.
Through the book I found things Charlie and I can do together this year in Homeschool allowing us to make new memories and become closer than we have been. Including making Homemade Bubble Bath we can give as Gifts along with a copy of the book to all of the women in our lives.
About Becca Anderson

Becca Anderson comes from a long line of Preachers and teachers from Ohio and Kentucky. The teacher side of her family led her to become a woman’s studies scholar and the author of The Book of Awesome Women. An avid collector of meditations, Prayers and blessings, she helps run a “Gratitude and Grace Circle” that meets monthly at homes, Churches and bookstores in the San Francisco Bay Area where she currently resides. Becca Anderson credits her Spiritual practice with helping her recover from Cancer and wants to share this with anyone who is facing difficulty in their life.
Author of Think Happy to Stay Happy and Every Day Thankful, Becca Anderson shares her inspirational writings and suggested acts of kindness at
She also blogs about Awesome Women at https://theblogofawesomewo
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates