The January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Yes, I am behind further than ever. I am only on Day 23 or January 23rd and its actually the 26th, But its okay I refuse to give up. Lord, only knows how I am going to catch up with David home the next two days and Charlie here as well.

Along with packing and cleaning in case we do have to move but I’m not going to let that deter me I’m going to work through anything and everything just like the Little Engine who thought he could I can and I will with the Lords help and Ear Phones.

Remember the days when you only posted one post a week? I don’t!

Here are some suggested topics for blogging. As usual, you can take it, or leave it.

Top Ten List!

Try a “Top Ten” style post. You can write this one in many different ways and it doesn’t necessarily have to be 10, just using a list format can get our brains thinking creatively sometimes. You could share…

Remember the days when you only posted one a week? I don’t!

Here are some suggested topics for blogging. As usual, you can take it, or leave it.

Image result for image top three

Top 5 favorite Cities

Top 3 Blogs to be reading

Or anything of your choice. As for me I was going to compile a Top 5 list instead I’m going to ask you what are your Top 3 Blogs to read and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates