The January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Day 22 or January 22nd, 2022. Yes, I am still behind and the way I’m thinking this evening I might not ever catch up. But after the news I am waiting for David to bring home this evening even after the raise he got yesterday I may never catch up.

Image result for blogging questions

If you’ve ever been scared, afraid as well as nervous then you know how I am feeling this evening. Before you ask me, what is going on I am not ready to say until I have the opportunity to talk to David in person. But what I can ask you is if you would pray for my family, please.

To get my mind off what is or isn’t going to happen I want to bring us back to The Ultimate Blog Challenge. This evening’s prompt asked us to:

What are the most common challenges your target market faces, around the product/service you deliver? Pick the top 3 or 5 and address them with the solutions.

If I thought about it, I’m sure I could come up with things to share with you but as I am not thinking to clearly instead, I will ask you if there is a challenge, you’re facing that I might be able to help you with,

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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