The January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Day 19 or January 19th and yes, still two days until I catch up. But a lot closer than I had been. Now, I don’t feel so bad as I was posting in the group yesterday when I saw the creator of the challenge had posted he was behind as well and playing catch up. So, see it isn’t only me that falls behind.

This morning’s prompt asked us to:

Image result for bucket list

What is the on your bucket list? Share with your readers something that is on the list of things you want to do before you, “kick the bucket.”

If you don’t care to get too personal with your post, is there something that you really want to do within your market or with your business? Is there a celebrity-type in your niche that you would love to meet face to face? Is there a place you want to visit?

A Bucket List I haven’t thought about this in so long, so I don’t think I even have a Bucket List other than remaining healthy and none of us catching Covid and to be here when Charlie graduates from School and even further than that to be here for his wedding.

But knowing my mom passed away when she was 58 has been on my mind a lot because I will be 58 next year. But I don’t think my life is over yet. I want to be like David’s parents when I grow up and live until I’m at least in my 70’s and if its Gods will into my 80’s like my dad and my Aunt Sue has done.

Now, I have a question for you what is on your Bucket List and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates