Welcome back to The January Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 17 or January 17th and before you ask no, I am not caught up yet. I am still three days behind everyone else but before the end of the Challenge I will be caught up and even may be on the same day as everyone else. If not it’s okay as it wasn’t the Lords will, but I did out what I set out to do and will finish the challenge. Which means more to me than anything else.
This morning’s prompt asked us to: Today will be like a Time Machine – we are going BACK in time…
Share something from the past, either your personal past, your businesses’ past or the world’s past.
Bookmark the History Channel’s webpage, http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history or http://www.on-this-day.com/ for ideas in the future!
These are just some ideas you can use – like them, great! If not,
Here is a #ThrowbackThursday photo of Charlie

Instead of posting something from History I would like to ask you about your History of Blogging. When did you start your blog and how did you get started and why?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates