Welcome back to the last post in The Ultimate Blog Challenge for January. In other word’s this makes it January 31st. Just like the Little Engine who thought he could and did I did. I finished it and yes, I am patting myself on the back. Especially since Covid has hit our home.
Day 31: Accomplishing a Goal

Did you finish the Ultimate Blog Challenge? Or have you accomplished any other goals recently? Share with your readers — tell them why you set the goal, how you achieved it, and any tips you’ve got to help them set and achieve their own goals.
Even if you didn’t complete the goal, share what happened that prevented you from reaching it. Is there something that you would do differently the next time? Help people learn from your experiences!
I might be a day late but I didn’t it I finished the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
We all need a CHEERLEADER when working toward a Goal and I had one.
Please help me thank Martha DeMao from TheMarthaReview.com
Ask her about all the challenges she has been in and what her goal is in for the future with The Ultimate Blog Challenge.
Ask Martha about Lia and her Storytime and Snowball.
Don’t forget to ask about Rich and his Roses. When I grow up, I hope I can have a Garden as pretty as his.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates