The January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Day 29 or January 29th and if I was on track and had posted once a day then we would only have a couple days left in the Challenge. But that didn’t happen and today is February 1st.

My babies don’t feel good this morning…… Pray for us!!

I could throw in the towel and stop and say I did the best I could. Or man on man Covid got me. Or life got in the way. But I am not going to do that. I started The Ultimate Challenge and said I would post for 31 Days and even though I am behind it’s what I’m going to do.

Through the prompts I am able to get in touch with myself and to meet new friends. I find new blogs to follow, and Paul always teaches us new things. If you’re planning on growing your site this year, then you should join us in the next Ultimate Blog Challenge.

In the meantime, the prompt for today was to:

Share a Photo or Image

Image result for Dont feel good

Add a splash of visual interest to your blog by sharing a photo today. It could be a photo of you, your family, your town, your office… or a photo of a product you’ve created… or one you’ve found online that inspires you… or a photo that makes you laugh…

Today’s prompt is perfect for me as I’m still way behind and may never finish especially with me still being under the Weather, but I am going to finish somehow someway.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates